Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Last night I was on my way to take Behr (Karson's dog) out before bed and I noticed a piece of paper on the bar with Karson's stuff that was fold and worn... I opened it thinking that it was going to be some homework that she's been carrying around in her clipboard (yes, she has a neon lime green clipboard - to keep her organized...LOL), anyway...I opened it and it was a letter to my dad.

As most of you know, my dad passed away on December 24, 2008 at 6:19 p.m. Me, Mom, Bryan (brother), Angie (sister), Aunt Judy, MeeMaw, Keith, and Uncle Ronnie were all there with him when he drew his last breath... That is something that I will never forget as long as I live...

I read the letter that was written to him and it brought tears to my eyes...just as it is now... It said how much she missed him. And that we were going to the gravesite to "see" him in the next few days to take him something...we had new flowers to put on it... It talked about how she wished he could have seen her open her gifts Christmas morning... She told him that she got a couple of Webkinz, some Wii games, a new purse with $100 bill in it, some clothes, etc. She told him all she got for Christmas the Christmas he passed away... I have the sweetest daughter anyone could ask for! And she's just as sweet as the day we brought her home from the hospital...

I haven't had a cry in a LONG time...and I think that today is going to be that day... I love and miss you dearly Dad... I will always be your Peanut and a Daddy's Girl...


Raimie said...

What a beautiful story. I love you both so much and miss you equally! I'm crying with you.

The Urban Cowboy said...

We always carry that sadness with us when someone we love passes. And yes, your daughter is the sweetest.

Kari Anne said...

Thank you so much Raimie. We miss you too! Love ya!

Thank you too Urban Cowboy! Yes, she is the sweetest!

Diana Ferguson said...

Glad you found Texas-Blogging Gals! Will get you on the next updated list.

Following.....Come see me at my personal blog, too, real soon!

Lisa said...

Isn't it amazing that total strangers can bring comfort in these hard times? I find it fascinating that I can be just down and out, and i turn on this square box,,,and wham there is a message of encouragement, saying that someone thought about me on mother's day
! Thank you...