Well... My mom told me something yesterday that is a little wierd!!
Bryan was at the house one night and he was there by himself.... He walked down the hallway and stopped and looked at our HS graduation pictures hanging on the wall... He never stops and looks at them...but he did... Well...he was standing there and all of a sudden...he heard "HumpUm" (the sound my dad ALWAYS made...like clearing his throat)... It scared him half to death!!!
THEN....mom is home yesterday by herself.... She's in the living room or kitchen doing something... Well...all of a sudden...she hears... 'crash, boom, bang!' ... She looks in all the cabinets and nothing falls...looks in the bathrooms...nothing fell... She walks down the hallways...and just so happen to look up...the attic door is hanging open about six inches!! She waits until someone is there...MeeMaw...before she opens the door...she didn't want to get knocked out by something falling... She said that it was one of the boxes from the other side of the attic...one that had not been touched in YEARS!!!
Now...you tell me how that sound and that box fell???
I do NOT believe in ghosts....but....I do believe in spirits and angels...
Daddy's doing a GREAT job watching over us!
Love you Daddy!
Your giving me the chills!
When my father passed away the dog started barking and a huge painting fell off of the wall.
I guess all we can do is try to be more tuned in. Who knows where it will take us.
It would be seriously frightening but also pretty cool to meet a spirit...as long as it was friendly.
You won the Fleur de Lis butter knife! Email me your address so I can send you the loot! You're gonna need it for tomorrow's post.
Girl where you been?!
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